Protect your data

Having your servers hosted at your office has the least resistance from an organisation’s management team.

It’s close to you, you can troubleshoot right from your office, and uses spaces that you’re paying for anyway.

However, there are several risk factors involved with hosting your own server infrastructure, from security, redundancies and the immediate need of getting an issue resolved at 2 AM.

Data centers are designed to be up 24/7/365 in all aspects – from network, power as well as hardware redundancy.

We can provide you with a dedicated server, on your own server hardware through colocation, on our powerful hardware platform or through a shared server hardware environment, depending on your requirements.

We specialise in preparing the server hardware, configure the server software, transfer all the relevant data and maintain the server on your behalf.

By standard we will also implement a firewall solution, that will protect you from any unwanted perpetrators. Offsite backups and server snapshots will be part of the packaged solution.